How can we prioritize a day or a season? Usually it comes down to relationships. While some search for lofty goals to feel like they’ve done something meaningful to impacting, Jesus was once asked which commandments are the greatest. Since commands are a biblical words for "how one lives their life” we can assume this is a question about purpose and vocation.

Jesus summarizes the whole of scripture (law and prophets) into a few phrases from scripture (Deut 6 and Lev. 19).

Love the Lord will all your heart, soul, mind and strength… and love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22)

He’s pointing our direction to HIM, OTHERS, and OURSELVES.

Love God… neighbor… as yourself.

When you seek God’s direction or empowerment for the day, what if you simply remembered to seek his direction on how to love him, others and yourself more fully.

Practice this daily (preferably morning)


Allow the Holy Spirit to prompt or remind you about the following

Loving God: is there a practice or posture that helps you sit with God, worship him, or learn from him.

Love Neighbor: is there a person God is putting on your heart or in your path; someone you will have opportunity to love or invest in or help or pray for

Love Yourself: if you’re to love your neighbor as you love yourself than how are love yourself (self-care, investment, growth, rest)

God, Who?, You.

Ready for what's next?

Christmas Reflection

Don't let Christmas activity get the best of you... take time to sit with Jesus. 

PRAYER WEEK GUIDE (January 2024)

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. (John 15:4) We are calling every Westsider to be diligent in prayer this week. 

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