
KidsQuest is our children’s ministry program for ages 2 - grade 6.

Our vision is to provide a safe, loving (and fun!) environment where kids can come & discover more about who God is, how much He loves them, & how they can follow the way of Jesus in their own lives.

On Sunday mornings, kids are divided into groups by age/grade so that volunteers can provide age-appropriate teaching & activities, & kids can learn & grow alongside their peers. We aim to provide quality teaching with a consistent group of leaders, to encourage growth in both faith & friendship.

Contact: Amy, Priscilla, or Angela


Annual registration in our program is a requirement of the safety policy that we follow for children and youth at Westside.

Registration ensures that we have all the information we need to place your children in a group and properly care for them during the gathering.

Register Now

What to Bring on Sundays

  • Preschool-grade 2 kids can bring a small (nut-free) snack & water bottle
  • Grades 1-6 kids are encouraged to bring their Bibles (small snack & water bottle optional)
  • Clean, indoor shoes (in the winter/spring only)
  • Bibles encouraged (grades 1 and up) KidsQuest has extra bibles to use if you do not have one of your own.


When you arrive on Sunday morning, head to the KidsQuest hub to check-in your kids with the hall monitor using our digital check-in system (the Church Center app makes this process easier) and get their name tag(s).

When you check in your kids, make sure their specified age/grade group is correct. If you have a preschool/K-aged child, please indicate under “options” if you’d like us to call you if they need to use the bathroom. All preschool/K parents will receive a security code so we can easily call them to assist their child if needed – the code will be displayed at the bottom of the screen in the gathering.

Kids start off in the gathering with their parents and are dismissed to KidsQuest after worship.


All kids must be dismissed directly to a parent or trusted person.

Preschool/K kids are checked out by giving their security code sticker (or the code from the Church Center app) to their group leader.

For kids in grades 1-6, please come to the classroom door for their grade so we can be sure your kids get back to you safely. This is also a great time to thank/encourage the volunteers in your child’s group and engage with them about that week’s lesson!

Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts;let them proclaim your power!

Supporting KidsQuest

The resources we pour into Kids' ministry are part of our larger budget at Westside. We use funds for new equipment, snacks, activities, content, leadership development, and so on. Our facility provides room for KidsQuest to grow. Westside wants to keep fuelling ministry to the next generation. If you are a regular donor at Westside, thank you so much! A portion of your giving fuels the next generation.

Please keep praying for KidsQuest, specifically for safe connections with the kids and leaders, and of course for the Holy Spirit to reveal to them the love of Jesus. Pray for energy and discernment for our KidsQuest team.

Download the Church Center App Today!

When you arrive on Sunday morning, head to the KidsQuest hub to check-in your kids with the hall monitor using the Church Center app.