A ministry for teens currently in grades 7 to 11.

Westside Youth meets weekly in person on most Friday* evenings @ 7PM and seasonal groups on Sunday mornings (more below)

* from September to June // Check Events page or Instagram for schedule changes during the summer and holidays.

Contact: Youth Team or Franca Manafo

Westside Youth is place where we nurture spiritual growth, community, and equip our teens to be missional in their own environments. Being a disciple of Jesus is still relevant. Following Jesus is less about trying to be a good person (which is never bad) and more about being transformed by Jesus – his life and message. That’s freeing and exciting.

When His light shines in and through our youth they will begin to carry His love and life into their schools, with their friends and families, becoming a witness to others. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 5:14-16 that his followers are a beacon of light for the world to see. This isn’t always easy, especially in our cultural context, but we have this promise from Jesus that he will be with us and guide us through it (John 16:33b).

Our hope is to see our teens experience Jesus and find freedom in His truth, grace, and love.

Join us on Fridays and invite your friends!
Look for a youth leader on Sunday mornings to get connected!


  • most Fridays @ 7PM
  • hang out, games, teaching, worship, interaction, snacks
  • periodically joining other WSG events, regional youth events (e.g. Jesus Nights), or an alternate youth activity


NEW for Spring 2025, we are moving Youth Zone to a different time and schedule

  • we're piloting a 6-8 week group for grades 7-8s starting on April 27
  • interactive bible study
  • hosted from 10:15-55 between our 2 morning gatherings (9&11AM)
  • location: youth room
  • guides: experienced youth leaders, adults or parents

** SUNDAY YOUTH ZONE is launching on March 23rd during our 1st Sunday with TWO gatherings; come connect with youth, learn about the spring session starting on April 27, hang out with snacks and drinks.


  • We want to ensure families with mixed age groups can choose whatever gathering time best suits them.
  • We love having youth in the gathering to worship, learn, and connect with all ages.
  • We value what youth bring to our church community and want to ensure they have opportunity to serve in a ministry team on Sundays
  • (TBD) We will aim to plan youth zone around the same seasons as our community groups (Fall, Winter, Spring)

Upcoming Events

Stay connected with our upcoming events! Get updates by following Westside Youth on Instagram, or sign-up to our weekly newsletter.

Be light in the darkness
Matthew 5:14a

Supporting Youth Ministry

The resources we pour into Youth ministry are part of our larger budget at Westside. We use funds for new equipment, snacks, activities, content, leadership development, and so on. Our facility provides room for our youth ministry to grow. Westside wants to keep fuelling ministry to the next generation. If you are a regular donor at Westside, thank you so much! A portion of your giving fuels the next generation.

Please keep praying for our youth ministry, specifically for a sense of belonging and of course for the Holy Spirit to draw our students to the lordship of Jesus. Pray for energy and discernment for our youth team.