Mission MCC Hygiene Kits

We are once again partnering with MCC and their hygiene kit campaign! What a great opportunity this is to serve our neighbours in very tangible ways.

MCC believes that sharing supplies like these hygiene kits is an important way to communicate compassion and care for people across the globe, fulfilling Christ's command to love our neighbors.

This is a gift of hope and comfort, a tangible reminder that God cares for those who are caught in circumstances where they find they are need of these kits. Whether through war, famine, lost jobs

We plan to collect the kits throughout the whole month of June. Would you consider partnering with us in this, through generosity and prayer? MCC's speicific needs are identified below.


4 Prayer Points

Pray for the safe arrival of the kits and for the safety of the MCC workers that are delivering the kits. Pray for the person receiving the kit that they will feel loved and cared for Pray that each kit gives hope to the person receiving it Pray that God’s love will be seen and that His name may be spoken