TWO Sunday Gatherings Start on March 23!


We will be hosting TWO gatherings on Sundays, starting March 23 @ 9AM & 11AM. Read the full details below.

Why are we making this change? We have sensed God leading us to MAKE ROOM for more people among us and beyond us. While increased attendance in our gatherings and KidsQuest environments are a factor, we’ve also been witnessing an increased number of guests who are searching; people who have shown up to our gatherings with a nominal faith or no faith background at all. We want to make space for those of us growing in faith and those searching for faith.

LISTEN or WATCH David sharing the vision and discernment behind this move.

Of course, Sundays are important but are not the only weekly environment we care about. We are determined to keep fueling deeper discipleship and thicker community. This is why we continue to expand the reach of our community groups and mid-size environments like ALPHA, EHS, Youth and Young Adults, etc. If you’re part of our church community, we are making space for you – among us. If you’re new to our church, starting to explore faith or have not yet met us, we are making space for you too.

What can you expect with 2 gatherings?

  • Each gathering will be similar in teaching and worship. The same speaker, worship team, and host will serve at both gatherings with the same message and songs.
  • Each gathering will host KidsQuest for ages 2-12. Our teams have organized mentors and helpers to ensure all ages can attend either gathering.
  • Coffee will be available 30 minutes before each gathering.
  • The prayer team will be available after each gathering to the right of the stage.
  • The prayer room has a host at 8:30-8:55AM and be self-paced at 10:25-10:50AM.
  • Sunday Youth Zone is being reconsidered to ensure families can participate in either gathering. We are discerning a group between gatherings from 10:15 to 10:55AM, to continue this environment for youth while giving them the opportunity to participate in gatherings and/or serve in a ministry.

Our goal is that each gathering will be available for all ages and stages.

How can you help or serve? Our Sunday teams are looking to expand so they can serve both gatherings well. There are opportunities in: welcome, coffee, set-up, KidsQuest, Youth Zone, worship team, audio-visuals, live stream, prayer team, hosting (gathering elements).

We need everyone’s support and commitment to make room for more.

Sign Up HERE to Serve

*You now have the opportunity to serve in one gathering while participating in the other. Consider Sundays not only as a way to worship and learn, but also a way to serve so that others can do the same.

*Each ministry team has different requirements; some are open to all and some require a level of experience, skill, or spiritual maturity.

Which gathering should you go to? You can go to either one. However, we do want to spread out so that we ensure we’re making room for guests at 9AM & 11AM. We are looking for at least 50 adults to commit to launching the 9AM gathering (50 adults + kids and volunteers).

Sign up HERE to help us launch the 9AM gathering!

Will there be different speakers at each gathering? No. Both gatherings will have the same speaker, message, and worship team.

Will KidsQuest be the same during each gathering? Yes. KQ will use the same theme during both gatherings, but a different mentor/helper will be serving at each.

Is there a need for extra finances for this change? We anticipate a small increase in costs to organize and support 2 gatherings. However, we also anticipate a few areas that need resourcing beyond this change.

Some key audio-visual components are breaking down and need upgrading. We plan to add staff to resource and equip our volunteers, increase the consistency of some key environments (for example, ALPHA, EHS, Group Leader Training and Multiplication), and support environments like prayer and community events (men, women, and so on). We anticipate staff to support pastoral care, discipleship, communication, ministry coordination, next generation ministry, and families.

If you are newer to Westside and are called to partner with us moving forward, we invite you to become a consistent giving partner. If you sense God prompting you to give a one-time gift or increase your giving proportionate to your income, we invite you to make that step. You can GIVE HERE or set up recurring giving (online or pre-authorized).

Thank you for being part of this next chapter of Westside! We’re excited about what’s to come and where God is leading us.