Remain in me, as I also remain in you. (John 15:4)

We are calling every Westsider to be diligent in prayer this week. Will you join us?

Carve out 10-15 minutes daily from Monday to Friday as we prepare to come together this Friday night for a church-wide prayer and worship night. Additionally, would you fast one day this week in a concerted intercession for God to lead our church as we move into 2024.



  • sitting with Jesus (John 15:1-4)
  • interceding for the well being of our city and neighborhoods, including our local partnerships - WIM, Ricochet, C2C, etc.


  • sitting with Jesus (John 15:5-8)
  • interceding for Westside - for our formation in Christ and spiritual hunger, for those who are sick; for our various leadership team and ministries


  • sitting with Jesus (John 15:9-11)
  • interceding for the next generation; for mental health and fresh spiritual hunger among kids, Youth, and Young Adults; that they discover complete Joy in Jesus
  • FAST DAY: if you're fasting today, pay close attention to the church's need to grow in love, holiness, consecration and faithfulness


  • sitting with Jesus (John 15:12-17)
  • interceding for the kind of love Jesus commands of us to grow in his church around the world; that the world would take notice of an 'alternate way of life and love' from the pockets of the church globally as a witness to what's possible in God's kingdom (Palestine, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Pakistan, Africa, China, USA, and Canada).
  • FAST DAY: if you're fasting today, pay close attention to the need for peace in various pockets of the world (many jews advocating for peace fast every Thursday for cease fire and reconciliation)



We encourage you to fast and believe God will use it to help you pay more attention to his presence and create time for focused intercession.

If you choose to fast, take extra time to pay attention to God's voice in scripture and your day; listen for ways he is leading you and our church

*if you can't fast for health reasons, do not feel obliged; you can simply take extra time for prayer (and consider fasting from any extra distractions normally in your day like news, social media, and entertainment)


(this can be used all year around, but especially let us know this week)

PRAYER WEEK GUIDE (January 2024)

Ready for what's next?

ADVENT Reflections 2023

Be intentional during advent to anticipate God's available presence today and the fullness of his future kingdom. 

Year End & New Year Reflection

Use the following practice to help you end 2023 and begin 2024 with greater purpose. 

Christ, The King

A daily practice focused on "Christ, the King" including scripture and prayer to prepare for Advent and Christmas.