Mission Update from Oscar and Eva in Germany

Since arriving at Friedenshaus in Ludwigshafen Germany, we’ve been blessed to witness the incredible resilience and determination of the participants in our programs.

In December, we worked closely with the previous couple who served here to ensure a smooth transition. Then, we officially launched our activities, focusing on German language classes that help participants integrate into the local community. Alongside language learning, we’ve encouraged connections among the participants to foster a sense of belonging and mutual support.

The participants come from diverse backgrounds, each bringing unique stories and experiences. They are eager to learn and embrace new opportunities despite the challenges they face. We’ve also observed a deep desire for greater cultural integration outside the classroom setting. At FH, our work not only includes teaching, but also listening, adapting, and creating a safe and welcoming environment for all. This has been a humbling and rewarding experience; one that continues to shape our approach to serving this community.

Prayer requests

We ask for the following prayers as we move forward in this journey:

  • For wisdom and guidance as we refine our programs to better meet the participants’ needs.
  • For strength and encouragement for the participants as they navigate their new lives.
  • For opportunities to build meaningful connections between the participants and the local community.

We are grateful for your support and look forward to sharing more updates with you in the future.

Eva and Oscar
