Introduction to Advent

Single Messages and Guests

November 27, 2022

Join us live or through live-stream as we worship, learn and connect together. #Transformation #Community #Mission

Introduction to Advent
Tim Mackie: When is Paradise?
Another Reason for the Season? (Christmas Special)
Ken Esau - The Posture of a Disciple
Stewardship: Marlene Gallant
Baptism Stories: Receiving and Responding
Ordinary Time: Time to Live
Cody Matchett: Revelation and Imagination
Greater Peace (Lori Graham)
Lead Me To You (Psalm 43)
Our Growing Capacity
Patrice Nagant
With You, For You (Good Friday 2024)
Jesus and the Spirit in Ordinary Time
The Scandalous Sufficiency of Jesus (Guest, Trevor Seath)
Oscar and Eva
MAKING ROOM (Vision Sunday)