Good Friday @ 7PM
Friday, March 29 @ 7PM
Our Good Friday gathering is a unique time to remember what Jesus endured on the cross for us. We set aside this time apart from and before Easter as we contemplate Jesus' suffering - his stepping into the pain and sin of the world.
We will enter into the moments before his death, particularly the last supper where he sits with his disciples before he moves on to suffer for us all.
I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. (Jesus, Luke 22:15)
We cannot celebrate His resurrection on Easter in its fullness without reflecting on His death as the price for our sins.
This gathering will include worship, prayer, scripture, and communion.
Child Care will be open for ages 2 to grade 1
- Register your child HERE (space is limited; to help with kids contact our KidsQuest team
- grades 2 and up are welcome in the gathering; activity packets will be available
** details for Easter Sunday HERE
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